Where Can I Get Best College Essay Topics for My Paper

Writing a great college essay sometimes comes down to something as simple as coming up with a great topic. Many college professors will provide essay prompts to follow, but others encourage students to develop their own original topics to write about. This gives students a great advantage in determining how well they do on a paper since it means they can write about subjects they find interesting and have some background knowledge in. If you need a little help coming up with some topics here are a few ideas to develop

  • Can you recount a time or incident when you experienced a personal failure? How has this failure accounted for the person you are today?
  • How does the university of your choice satisfy your desire for a specific kind of community and learning? Not all schools will bring you the same experiences, so what convinced you of this choice?
  • Do you have a story or background that is central to your personal identity? Experiences vary so how have your experiences made you different from other students or adults?
  • What event or accomplishment would you say marked your transition from childhood? When did you know that you were no longer a child and had taken your first steps towards young adulthood?
  • How has a past struggle affected you and what lessons did you learn from it? Are personal struggles great in giving us life lessons that make us better adults?
  • Can you recount a time when you challenged an idea or belief and what led you to react? In the flip side, is there an idea or belief you never challenged but wish you had?
  • Is there an environment or place where you are perfectly happy and why is it so meaningful to you? Some people have fond memories of home, public or private spaces that make them feel content but do these same places have the same effect on others?
  • Can you share a few of your favorite books or authors and give reasons why they mean so much to you? Do you feel that other people around you would have the same experiences with your favorites?
  • Is there a word, phrase or sentence that has inspired you to enter higher education? Words have different meanings to different people and some are more inspirational to some, so what are the words that have led to your choice to go into higher education?